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The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Meet Ryan Eckley

The Record | Volume 143 – Issue #1 – Spring 2024

Ryan dominated in his first 13 games with the Spartans, with an average punt of 46.7 yards, totaling 2,617 yards for the season. Eckley ranked second in the Big Ten Conference and seventh in the FBS, marking the fifth-longest average in Michigan State University single-season history. Notably, he ranked second in the Big Ten for 50-plus-yard punts (24) and fourth for punts inside the 20-yard line (24). Ryan’s prowess is further exemplified by his four punts exceeding 60 yards and 15 punts, which pinned opponents inside the 10-yard line. Eckley impressively pinned opponents within the 20-yard line on 24 occasions, a rate of 42.9%. While the exact collegiate ranking remains elusive, the statistic shines when compared to NFL standards. In fact, Eckley’s 42.9% placement rate would secure him eighth place among all NFL punters for the season, highlighting his exceptional talent on the field.

Ending the 2023 season on a high note, he delivered 15 punts inside the 20-yard line in his last five games. In the regular-season finale against Penn State, Ryan showcased his talent by booting six punts for over 50 yards, including a remarkable 63-yard final punt of the night. This impressive performance added to his already stellar season, securing his place as a standout in MSU kicking history while also earning him Freshman All American.

As Eminent Deputy Archon of the SAE Michigan Gamma chapter and employee for the MSU football team’s Operations Department, George Farrington (Michigan State ’26) has seen just how hard Ryan works on and off the field, “I’ve seen firsthand the juggling act Ryan pulls off with football, school, and fraternity life. Through daily practices and games, he fully dedicates himself to every aspect, not just balancing but excelling in academics, on the field, and as a fraternity brother. Ryan’s genuine effort and dedication stand out, showcasing his remarkable drive and making him a great friend and teammate.”

When asked about his experience in SAE, Ryan said, “Being an SAE has been amazing! I’ve been surrounded by great brothers and presented with even better opportunities. Joining SAE has built some lifetime friendships and hundreds of memories!”

Impressed with his accomplishments and character, we sat down with Ryan to learn more about him and dig deeper into how he balances SAE, football, and academics while also uncovering his future goals and ambitions.

    “Balancing being a member of SAE and an athlete has been much easier than expected. Being able to be around the guys is great for me and helps keep my life in a great balance.”

      “I don’t have any leadership positions within SΑΕ. My main influence in joining was to meet more people. Being from Florida and going to school at Michigan State, I didn’t know anyone coming in. Joining SAE has been a great way to meet brothers and lifelong friends.”

        “I am studying Kinesiology here at Michigan State. My current career goals are to continue my athletic career in the NFL. After the NFL, I plan to pursue a career in medical device sales.”

          “Being a member of SAE has impacted my development off the field so much. It allows me to bond with friends and my brothers outside of the football world and connect with guys like me. I have an outlet where I can destress, just hang out, and always have a good time.”

            “My most memorable moments being a college athlete and in SAE are definitely the nights after football games. After games, I often go to the house and hang out with the guys to have a good time and relax. Always having a positive environment to go to after games and make memories has been great for me.”

            With an already impressive resume and skillset, it’s clear Ryan has an exciting future in both the realm of football and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. We look forward to keeping up with Ryan as he continues his journey as a True Gentleman and All American Athlete.

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