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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

86th National Leadership School Recap

The 86th National Leadership School officially began at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare Hotel on Thursday, January 9. A total of 419 attendees gathered in Chicago, IL, to kick off an inspiring weekend of leadership development and collaboration.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Leadership School

Event check-in kicked off on Thursday, featuring the exhibitor hall, where attendees visited each of our fantastic exhibitors: GreekBill, Movember, F&H, The SAE Foundation, Campus Classic/SAE Store, NMDP, and CMNH.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Best Fraternity

The first General Session followed, where Eminent Supreme Archon Mark McDonough (Youngstown State ‘98) warmly welcomed everyone and led the opening ritual. The Education Team — Dr. Spencer Long (Central Michigan ‘08), Hannah Blenden, and Noah Haddaway (Frostburg State ‘21) — outlined their expectations for the weekend and provided an overview of the agenda. Afterward, attendees were released to attend their first chapter meetings, focused on ‘Onboarding.’

Leadership School provides two tracks: a leadership track for general members and an executive track for chapter officers. The leadership track takes a big-picture look at fraternity leadership and a deeper dive into what it means to serve the Fraternity and our global community. It is an immersive learning experience in which collegiate brothers will focus on building the skills needed to serve in any leadership role and will build leadership competencies needed to lead within the Fraternity, their community, and their professional roles. The executive track focuses on increasing each officer’s understanding of their roles and responsibilities, team building, goal setting, strategy development, and implementation. We also focus on the crucial chapter and community issues paramount to success.

SAE Brothers

After the first chapter meeting wrapped up, dinner was served in the ballroom, and our new partnership with Birches Health was launched. Birches Health is a leading behavioral addiction treatment provider specializing in virtual care for compulsive behaviors. This partnership is another significant step to providing the evolving types of support needed in today’s world and for brothers of SAE.

Following this announcement was General Session 2, led by Gentry McCreary. He took the group through the Dyad Brotherhood Assessment. Chapter Meeting 2 then dove deeper into the SAE results. Later, the annual t-shirt swap took place, complete with popcorn for a light snack. To close out the evening, Kevin Gath (Western Carolina ‘14) hosted a fun and optional ‘SAE Stories/Myths/Legends’ session, bringing some lighthearted energy to the night.

Best Fraternity

On Friday, January 10, breakfast sandwiches were served to kick off the day! General Session 3, led by Dr. Spencer Long and Kevin Gath, followed. After the session, attendees had some free time before diving into Chapter Meeting 3. The afternoon began with everyone boarding buses to head to the beautiful Levere Memorial Temple.

SAE - The True Gentleman

Lunch in Nippert Hall featured the Chicago Native Potbelly Sandwich Shop, followed by Temple tours led by faculty and staff. General Session 4, ‘Discovering Your Purpose,’ was presented by Brother Dan Wenker (Penn State ’81). A group photo was taken in the Peace Chapel, and an unforgettable video inspired by college game day traditions was filmed. The video featured a walk-through of the peace chapel with attendees chanting “SAE” — an experience you definitely didn’t want to miss.

Les Ireland (Towson ’86), Chairman of The SAE Foundation, delivered an inspiring session titled ‘College to Career.’ Afterward, attendees enjoyed a delicious dinner featuring Lou Malnati’s pizza before heading back to the hotel for an exciting game night. The night was packed with activities, including the Ohio State vs. Texas game on the big screen, blackjack and casino tables, cornhole, air hockey, basketball, Xbox, and more! To wrap up the evening, another ‘SAE Stories/Myths/Legends’ session took place.

NOT  "deadliest fraternity"
SAE admonishes hazing

Saturday was packed with four rotational sessions: a Service Project for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, ‘Recruitment’ led by Quinn Moran, ‘Entrepreneurship’ presented by Tom LaMontia (Arizona ‘87), and ‘Housing’ with the F&H team, including Greg Somers (Michigan State ‘98), JP Andrick (Frostburg State ‘97), and Jacob Showalter (Case Western Reserve ‘98). Afterward, attendees grabbed boxed lunches before diving into General Session 6, where Lianne Kowiak powerfully shared ‘The Truth’ — a mother’s heartbreaking story of losing her son to senseless hazing. Following that, the Risk Management Team — Steadman Boston (Winthrop ’17), Layne Smith (Winthrop ’19), John Hatfield (Arkansas-Little Rock ’77), and Madison Simmons — led a session on Health, Safety, and Accountability. 

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Excellence

On this day, we launched our partnership with RealResponse, a confidential platform designed to enhance safety and accountability by providing members and guests with an anonymous way to report emergencies, crises, or general concerns.

Dinner was accompanied by some exciting announcements. Our very own Director of Education, Hannah Blenden, was honored with The Order of the Violet Award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the team. To celebrate, the gentlemen in the room sang Violets in her honor.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Philanthropy

Tom Killian (Indiana State ‘99), CEO of The SAE Foundation, announced that the team had raised an impressive $4,040 for the Phi Alpha Club, and Alex Pavic (Gettysburg College) was the lucky winner of the Jeweled Badge giveaway. A big thank you to all the collegians and alumni who donated $25 to be a part of this special effort!

SAE & Sigma Alpha Epsilon Honor Roll

Phi Alpha Club Honor Roll

(Collegians who joined at Leadership School)

Andrew PratherTennessee Kappa
Caleb MaksimMaryland Beta
Cesar NichodiazDelaware Alpha
Christian GrousbeckTexas Chi
Collin WestMissouri Zeta
Connor GregoryMaryland Beta
Drew ForfarDelaware Alpha
Dylan RogersTennessee Kappa
Easton LyonsMichigan Delta
Gabriel ColebournMassachusetts Delta
Gannon CauwelsSouth Dakota Sigma
Garret ErmanMaryland Beta
Gavin CurranPennsylvania Sigma-Mu
Henry EvansKentucky Epsilon
Jack DunnTennessee Kappa
Jake DeNommeSouth Dakota Theta
Jason DurieuxTennessee Kappa
Justin HillOhio Kappa
Michael HillCalifornia Upsilon
Michael StudnickMaryland Sigma
Michael McNaughtonOhio Tau
Nicholas LaPietraMaryland Beta
Ojash LamichhaneNew Jersey Omega
Oluwanifemi OlusegunIndiana Epsilon
Owen JohnsonOhio Nu
Ryan HolladayIowa Sigma
Scott LiIllinois Gamma
Seth HorneMaryland Sigma
Srikar MudiliPennsylvania Phi
Alexander SandersonArizona Delta
Alexander SteinFlorida Lambda
Christian DoranIllinois Delta-Pi
Cole FrostIndiana Sigma
Cole McintyreIowa Gamma
Connor CooleyMississippi Sigma
Connor SteensmaMichigan Delta
Ethan O’DowdMichigan Alpha
Ethan RhoadesIllinois Delta
Gavin EllisFlorida Sigma
Gavin JosephSouth Carolina Phi
Jackson HoyleTexas Epsilon
Jackson KronbergSouth Dakota Sigma
Jacob ClementeOhio Alpha
Jacob CollinsFlorida Alpha
Jacob MowatAlabama Chi
Jacob StallonsKentucky Sigma
Jacob WarnerMaryland Delta
Joseph BrewerIndiana Sigma
Joseph NeubertArizona Delta
Joseph PuvogelNew York Beta
Joseph WollumIowa Sigma
Matthew CarmanyFlorida Omicron
Matthew DanielsMichigan Alpha
Matthew RiceFlorida Nu
Ryan FunaiKansas Delta
Ryan StimsonFlorida Chi
Samuel HartzogSouth Carolina Delta
Samuel MaloneTennessee Omega
Samuel ZandstraMichigan Delta
Vincent BrunoMichigan Delta-Omega
Jake SimmonsSouth Carolina Gamma
Aaron ArdenIllinois Epsilon
Aidan EttlemanSouth Dakota Sigma
Aiden WildmanMichigan Delta-Omega
Alex PavicPennsylvania Delta
Angel Villeraldo AmadorCalifornia Alpha
Ayden HutchinsonCalifornia Alpha-Beta
Bennett WilsonArkansas Alpha-Upsilon
Brady MueggeIndiana Epsilon
Braedan JohnsonIowa Gamma
Brooks CowartVirginia Alpha
Calvin LeeCalifornia Nu
Chase MillerWashington Gamma
Christopher CharbonnetMississippi Delta
Cliff HoseahKansas Gamma
Colton BlubaughOhio Nu
Conner DuplantisLouisiana Chi
Cristian AnguianoCalifornia Mu
Curt MasengaleIndiana Zeta
Derek ShottMichigan Alpha
Drake MenaLouisiana Chi
Dylan SedgwickIowa Gamma
Eric GoodmanArizona Alpha
Francesco McElrathOhio Alpha
Gianni AllenSouth Carolina Sigma
Hunter BroylesIndiana Sigma
Ian ChwaliszArizona Delta
Jack LiaFlorida Alpha
James CrumOhio Epsilon
Jameson HerndonVirginia Alpha
Jaxson VincentMichigan Delta
Jayden ParrillaCalifornia Alpha-Beta
Jeremy ClementeOhio Alpha
John SchravenMontana Beta
Jonathan BurrellIdaho Alpha
Joshua GorcicaNew Jersey Omega
Kamon AndersonWest Virginia Alpha
Kane SchrumPennsylvania Psi-Eta
Kellen HammonsIdaho Alpha
Leo GillsonFlorida Sigma
Levi HoldenIndiana Epsilon
Maximilian OlsenCalifornia Gamma
Maxwell ReinerWashington Gamma
McCarthy O’NeilTennessee Omega
Myles NighArkansas Alpha-Upsilon
Nathan PopeOhio Alpha
Nicholas TownshendArizona Alpha
Nick RosinganaMichigan Zeta
Noah PruszinskiFlorida Alpha-Mu
Patrick HattawayWest Virginia Alpha
Porter BakerMontana Beta
Rafael CaballeroMassachusetts Delta
Reindl WeaverIowa Gamma
Robert HaginsTexas Theta
Scottland CooperAlabama Chi
Sean RowenWashington City Alpha
Seth BrownLouisiana Chi
Spencer BairdNorth Carolina Omega
Steven Foldy IINew Mexico Alpha
Tanner PavicichIndiana Gamma
Timothy HamptonKentucky Gamma
Travis CampFlorida Epsilon
Trevor SandlerFlorida Chi
Tristan CurrallIdaho Alpha
Tucker CrenshawSouth Carolina Gamma
Walter StacklerWashington Gamma
Warren CookMississippi Sigma
Xavier McCorkleIndiana Alpha

The evening continued with Chapter Meeting 5, centered on the theme of ‘Communication.’ The evening then transitioned into a brief yet powerful ‘Goal Setting’ General Session, led by Dr. Anthony Mack (North Florida ’11) and Cullen Kerigan (Western Carolina ’22), before wrapping up with the final ‘Action Planning’ Chapter Meeting. To close out the night, we gathered for one last ‘SAE Stories/Myths/Legends’ session.

The final day of Leadership School began with breakfast and a powerful Closing Keynote address from Todd Buchanan (Southern Mississippi ’90), who shared how lessons from the Fraternity have shaped his career. Following the keynote, a few giveaways were held, and attendees celebrated their graduation from Leadership School. Mark McDonough wrapped up the event with a heartfelt closing ritual and SAE yells before everyone headed home, inspired and ready to put their new knowledge into action.

The 86th National Leadership School was a memorable one for the books. Songs were sung throughout the entire weekend, and the air was filled with a strong sense of brotherhood. We are already looking forward to next year’s event!

Download event photos through the link here.

Leadership School Testimonials

Calvin Lee (California State University – Northridge) [Leadership Track] — “The sessions answered a lot of questions and gave me a new web of brothers to reach out to; it also gave me a fresh perspective on SAE.”

Nic Poulos (Rutgers University) [Executive Track] — “The sessions were great. Great content and great speakers.”

Christian Doran (Depaul) [Leadership Track] — “I think I learned a lot of valuable ideas and met a lot of great people in doing so.”

Travis Camp (University of Central Florida) [Executive Track] — “The sessions provided me with a great understanding to take into our small group sessions.”

Jacob Mowat (University of South Alabama) [Leadership Track] — “I felt like everything I learned was new and engaging.”

Aidan Garvin (University of Cincinnati) [Executive Track] — “I gathered lots of good insight, and it was a very welcoming atmosphere.”

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