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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Randolph-Macon House Renovation Success Story

Over the past 20 months, the Phi Alpha House Corporation has completed a comprehensive renovation of the SAE House at Randolph-Macon College, updating both the interior and exterior. Notably, the SAE House is the only privately owned Greek property at Randolph-Macon College, while all other fraternity and sorority properties are owned by the college. This 2024 renovation was made possible through the generous charitable contributions from the Virginia Alpha Alumni.

Attached, you’ll find pictures showcasing the remarkable transformation, as well as a list of the chapter’s successes.

  • The Virginia Alpha Chapter of SAE was chartered in 1967 at Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia.
  • The Phi Alpha House Corporation manages the property. This is the only non-college-owned Greek housing at RMC.
  • Exterior renovations commenced in December 2022.
  1. Pruning of all trees and shrubs
  2. Pressure-washed and painted exterior
  3. All rotted wood was replaced
  4. The landscape plan included a new irrigation system, new front sod, and shrubbery
  5. Weekly grass cut and edging, monthly lawn treatments

  • Electrical system inspections and repairs were completed in March 2023.
  • New Adirondack chairs were purchased for the front porch, and metal wicker upholstery for the back porch.
  • Exterior renovations have been paid for with cash on hand and house rent.
  • Interior renovations were commenced in May 2024.
  • Full inspections and repairs of the HVAC system were completed.

  • All floors were sanded and refinished. Wood trim and side panels were sanded and refinished.
  • All interior walls and trim were painted.
  • A new ice maker and purified water dispensers have been installed. New shower heads installed.

In addition to the successful house renovations, the chapter has been thriving academically, maintaining the highest GPA of any fraternity on campus for the 2023-2024 academic year. The active brothers come from a diverse range of locations, spanning from New Jersey to North Carolina.

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One Response

  1. Well done Brothers! I drove by the House a couple of weeks ago and the exterior looked super! But, the greatest achievement of VA Alpha is your collective GPA. Keep the positive momentum going.
    Jim Johnston
    Class of ’68

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