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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.


Editor’s note: This article was originally published by Brogan Burns, Sports Managing Editor, in The Nicholls Worth.

At halftime of Nicholls State University’s Homecoming football game against Houston Christian University, a king was crowned.

After all of the homecoming court was announced, the highly anticipated moment arrived.

In front of a near full home side, the king’s scepter was handed to Andrew Gilmer of Lockport, La.

Those around Gilmer noticed early on that he could not speak like other kids his age.

“When I was in kindergarten or first grade I couldn’t pronounce some sounds, so I went through speech therapy,” Gilmer said.

In high school, Gilmer had to decide on what he wanted to do in life. After careful consideration, it became clear that speech pathology was his future.

He credits one moment that assured him he was on the correct path.

“[After] I saw a child at a very young age and six months later I saw their progress, I fell in love with it.”

His interest in speech therapy has led Gilmer to a love of sign language.

“I love sign language,” Gilmer said. “I’ve been taking [sign language] classes with Stephanie Authement for the past two semesters and I’m big into sign language.”

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity has been an important part of Gilmer’s college experience. He credits the fraternity and his older fraternity brothers for helping him grow and introducing him to new opportunities.

“When I came into Sigma Alpha Epsilon, I looked up to the older guys who were brother figures. They exposed me to so many opportunities for my life,” Gilmer said. “ I got to work with the Upside Downs club, which works well with speech pathology.”

For those who are unfamiliar with Upside Downs, it is an organization devoted to helping the down syndrome community.

When talking about SAE, Gilmer was slightly emotional because he believes the fraternity made him the person he is today.

“In high school, I had a lot of people who weren’t friendly to me which is in the past, but I came into [college] with an open mind and found SAE then found some of my closest friends,” Gilmer said. “I am eternally grateful because I would not be where I am now without them. I don’t know where I would be without my friends, family, and girlfriend because of SAE.”

Gilmer has made the most of his time in college by joining clubs and organizations. Gilmer is a member of the Colonel Catholics Association, Order of Omega, Nicholls Honors Program and vice president of National Student’s Speech-Language Hearing Association.

As a member of SAE, Gilmer has held the position of Brotherly Chair, Philanthropy Chair, Health and Safety Chair, and Bridge to Independence Chair.

Having membership in so many organizations and associations has forced Gilmer to find time management techniques because he knows it’s important to juggle the things that come with being a student.

“Managing school and managing friends is important,” Gilmer said. “We come to college to get a job, but you don’t want to stress yourself over it.”

Gilmer is aware that becoming Homecoming King and being an impactful student means that he will leave a legacy at Nicholls. 

He hopes that the legacy he leaves behind is letting others know that it is important to take advantage of the opportunities given in college.

“Take advantage of meeting everybody here[at Nicholls]. [Meeting others] is what sparked me from day one of freshman year to now,“ Gilmer said. “I want to leave that legacy to always be a friend to somebody and[…] just take advantage of all of those opportunities that are given to you as well.”

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