Sigma Alpha Epsilon has long been known as a leader in educational programs in the Greek world. But are we ones to rest on our laurels? No! We strive to improve programming every year and as part of this effort, we are pleased to be hosting the all new, first ever Executives Academy in Chicago from January 4 to 6, 2019.
This dynamic program is open to one Eminent Archon, Health and Safety Officer, Recruitment Chairman, and Chapter Advisor from each chapter. These key chapter leaders, be they newly elected or in the middle of their term, will be presented with latest information SAE has to offer and will go back to their chapters with the skills they need to make SAE on their campuses the best it can be. Registration is open now and early registration pricing is in effect, so if you are one of these leaders, click HERE to register.
What will be happening at the new Executives Academy? Here are just a few of the highlights:
- Three specialized tracks for each of the officers and one for the Chapter Advisors
- General sessions to educate all officers on team building, group dynamics, and current Greek system issues
- Overarching themes of leadership development, communications, and strategic planning
- An inspirational visit to the Levere Memorial Temple with time to network with fellow chapter officers from across the country as they tour and dine
- Continuous interaction with the Supreme Council and alumni volunteers
In short, it will be an unforgettable experience that will prepare undergraduates and alumni advisors alike to lead their chapters in the coming semester and beyond.
Strong chapter leaders make strong chapters and Sigma Alpha Epsilon is committed to helping our brothers be as prepared as possible as they lead their chapters. The Executives Academy is our newest offering and more are in the works. So, stay tuned as SAE continues to make education a keystone of our Fraternity.