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The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Simpson SAEs Secure Inter-fraternity Scholarship Cup Year After Year

The Record | Volume 143 – Issue #1 – Spring 2024

Year after year, the Simpson College (Iowa Sigma) chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon has continued to set the standard for academic excellence, proudly securing the Inter-fraternity Scholarship Cup for an impressive 13 consecutive years. With an unwavering commitment to academic achievement, these SAE brothers have consistently maintained the highest GPA on campus, embodying the values of scholarship and leadership.

In addition to their recognition on campus, Iowa Sigma has also been recognized for their success within the Realm of Sigma Alpha Epsilon by securing the esteemed Zeal Award in 2017. Inspired by this achievement, the chapter has embraced a collective commitment to academic excellence, recognizing that their success in the classroom was integral to their overall growth.

Revamping their academic structure has made a huge impact, and they find that a lot of their success has stemmed from it. A few semesters ago, Eminent Deputy Archon Louie Hoehle (Simpson ‘23) devised an idea to improve study hours and boost morale.

“With such a diverse population of majors within the chapter, I knew I would be able to find somebody who could support me within my classes,” Joseph Wollum (Simpson ’27) said. “I learned that we’ve won the grade cup for the last 20 semesters, so I knew that achieving good grades was important and prioritized within SAE.”

“I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a house with a bunch of studious folks, which has really cemented an academic-focused culture for all of us. Living in our chapter house pushed me to my academic best, which gave me the confidence to take the role of the Scholarship Chairman,” Jackson Mears (Simpson ’24) said.

To incentivize excellence, brothers are organized into groups of three or four members, each aiming to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher by midterm. Those who achieve this milestone are rewarded with a celebratory dinner. Additionally, at the end of the semester, the top three teams with the highest GPAs are treated to a steak dinner. These incentives not only boost morale but also ignite excitement for studying and homework.

“As a Criminal Justice major, I frequently collaborate with fellow SAE Criminal Justice majors for studying and discussions. We often gather in someone’s room to review challenging topics,” Mitchell Roader (Simpson ’25) said. “SAE’s academic standards encourage me to excel, and having classmates who are also fraternity brothers provides built-in study partners when needed.”

The chapter achieved remarkable academic success this past fall semester, boasting a collective GPA of 3.43. A significant portion of the brotherhood excelled academically, with ten brothers earning a place on the Dean’s List for achieving a GPA of 3.7 or higher, while an impressive eight brothers secured spots on the President’s List with a perfect 4.0 GPA. This outstanding achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of the chapter members, with 18 out of their 30 brothers, more than half of the chapter, reaching this standard of academic achievement.

In the wake of the pandemic, traditional in-person banquets or ceremonies for academic awards have been put on hold, posing challenges to recognizing achievements like SAE’s consistent victories. The Fraternity Sorority Life (FSL) office has continued to honor SAE’s achievements by inscribing each year’s accomplishment on the same trophy, which is easily collected and returned. Looking ahead, with their new FSL advisor’s guidance, new strategies will be implemented to honor academic achievements more effectively.

Iowa Sigma stands as a beacon of academic excellence on campus. Their consistent achievement of the Inter-fraternity Scholarship Cup is nothing short of extraordinary, serving as an inspiration to their peers and the broader fraternity community. As they continue to lead by example, their legacy of excellence is a testament to the transformative power of education and the limitless potential of those who strive for greatness.

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