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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

As we celebrate Founders’ Day and 169 years of Sigma Alpha Epsilon this month, it’s important also to be aware that March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. This annual campaign aims to increase awareness about problem gambling and promote prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

With that in mind, we would like to remind our members of the new partnership SAE launched with Birches Health. The Birches team has shared some common signs of problem gambling that all should be aware of so you can keep an eye out for them in yourselves and your brothers. 

  1. Inability to stop or cut back: When someone has attempted to stop or reduce their betting but finds themselves unable to do so. They may also experience feelings of restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut back.
  2. Increased frequency or amount of bets: An individual may begin to bet more frequently or increase the amounts they are risking, often to reach the level of excitement or interest that they previously experienced with lower amounts or fewer bets.
  3. Borrowing money: A person may try to borrow money from others to fund their betting activities.
  4. Neglecting other responsibilities: Someone having difficulty controlling their betting may neglect important responsibilities, including school, work, or family obligations.
  5. Preoccupation with betting: Constantly thinking and/or talking about betting can be a sign that it has become compulsive and crossed the line into an unhealthy behavior that needs to be addressed. 
  6. Chasing losses: Betting more in hopes of recouping previous losses is a worrying indicator commonly seen by Birches Health counselors in individuals struggling with gambling addiction.
  7. Hiding or lying about betting activity: Someone may feel the need to lie about or hide their gambling from others, at times due to feelings of shame or embarrassment.
  8. Financial or legal troubles that are connected to one’s betting behaviors. 

If you, a fellow brother, or someone else you know may be exhibiting any of the signs above, you can connect confidentially with Birches Health by:

  • Visiting
  • Emailing
  • Calling our dedicated helpline at 833-483-3838

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