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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

From the Desk of the Eminent Supreme Recorder Steve Mitchell (Indiana ’83)

Once each quarter in my new role, I want to share with you the initiatives we are focused on at the  Fraternity Service Center so you can understand why I am so excited about our future as an organization.

I don’t want to mislead you; we have work to do to be the best Fraternity in the land, and we will have bumps. However, we need your active engagement to take the next step. I have found that to both have and sustain a strong Chapter, you must have engaged alumni. 

Currently, we have 281 Brothers listed as a Chapter Advisor, with an additional 444 Brothers serving in a collective team volunteer role as Alumni Advisors. What you may not know is that we have 225  Chapters. Mathematically, with only 725 total alumni volunteers, this would suggest we have three alumni volunteers per Chapter, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. 

Long gone are the days when one person, or even two, can successfully provide the guidance required for a Chapter to be successful; it takes a TEAM. We all hold a special place in our hearts for our Chapter because it often shaped who we are today, providing us opportunities to learn, grow, and develop important life skills.

I just attended the rechartering of the California Gamma Chapter at the University of Southern California,  and I was in awe of the number of alumni who participated in the Initiation and the dinner that followed,  not to mention the Student Affairs Dean and University President, who were in attendance. 

There is truly something special going on at Cal Gamma, and the reason is twofold. The Chapter is made up of great young men and has amazing alumni who are supportive and actively engaged. 

My ask is that you send us a note indicating you want to re-engage in your Chapter by providing time,  treasure, or talent, and we will connect you with your Chapter’s leaders. 

In my next note, I will share our new organizational structure and the proactive steps we are taking to make Sigma Alpha Epsilon the undisputed leader again.


Steve Mitchell (Indiana ’83), Eminent Supreme Recorder & Chief Executive Officer

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