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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

The Award for Courage

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is recognizing fear, or what might seem to be an overwhelming obstacle, and taking actions to move forward. Courageous actions take on many forms: physical courage like an athlete, soldier, or first responder; moral courage to speak up on issues that might be unpopular or taking actions to stop something you know is wrong; emotional courage to deal with difficult relationships or personal issues like your health. The history of SAE, and our the men who now make up our Chapter Collegiate, is full of examples of courage.

Regardless of the type of courage, it is the recognition by a person that action is needed and then the willingness to take the action that sets a person apart-one whose deeds follow his words to paraphrase the True Gentleman. In recognition of this very important part of character, Sigma Alpha Epsilon is fortunate to offer a scholarship award devoted to courage.

Thanks to the deep and sustained generosity of past Eminent Supreme Archon and current Foundation Trustee Brad Cohen, the Award for Courage is now part of the annual national scholarship offerings in 2019. This award is for an undergraduate member in good standing who has “overcome major personal or organizational obstacles and made significant changes to their campus, community or chapter and left a lasting impression on their chapter brothers.”

Encourage and support men who meet this standard to seek this award. More information on the specific requirements for the Bradley M. Cohen Award for Courage, and all national scholarships, can be found at

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