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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Larry Shackelford (Texas Christian ’69)

May 9, 1947 – January 28, 2025

Sigma Alpha Epsilon SAE Larry Shackelford

With a lifetime devoted to Sigma Alpha Epsilon, SAE Larry Shackelford (Texas Christian ’69), past Honorary Eminent Supreme Archon, dedicated volunteer, and Loyal Son of Minerva, entered the Chapter Eternal on January 28, 2025, at the age of 77.

Larry’s journey with Sigma Alpha Epsilon began in 1966 at Texas Christian University (Texas Beta), where he quickly embraced the ideals of The True Gentleman. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in 1969, he carried the torch of SAE far beyond his undergraduate years, becoming a steadfast mentor, leader, and advocate for the fraternity.

His dedication to the brotherhood spanned decades, first as an Advisor for Texas Beta and later on the national stage. Larry served as a Foundation Trustee (2002-2011), Eminent Supreme Chronicler (2000-2001), Eminent Supreme Warden (2003), and Honorary Eminent Supreme Archon (2017). Through every role, he upheld the values of SAE with passion and integrity, selflessly ensuring the Fraternity’s future, traditions, and brotherhood would continue to thrive.

In recognition of his devotion to the bonds of brotherhood, service, and leadership the fraternity honored Larry with the Merit Key Award in 2004 and most notably, SAE’s highest distinction, the Distinguished Service Award (#120) which Larry received at Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s 150th Anniversary Celebration. His impact on the Fraternity will be remembered through these accolades, the countless lives he touched, and his unwavering belief in SAE.

Though Larry Shackelford has entered the Chapter Eternal, his legacy of service, leadership, and true brotherhood remain rooted in Sigma Alpha Epsilon—a reminder of what it means to live as a True Gentleman.

Phi Alpha, Brother Shackelford. You will live on eternally in our hearts. 

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