The Fresno State (California Iota) chapter held their Founders’ Day event on Monday, March 10, 2025, at Pardini’s in Fresno, CA. The event was well attended by over 120 guests. The evening began with a Social Hour as brothers reconnected and reminisced. A delicious dinner consisted of roast beef, mash potatos, roasted veggies, and dessert was served. The emcee for the evening was Brother Bill Bopp (Fresno State ’80), who entertained everyone with his quick wit and humor.

All in attendance were treated to a presentation by the special guest speaker, retired Col. Robert Swertfager, U.S. Air Force Pilot (Fresno State ’89). Brother Swertfager expressed the parallels of the True Gentleman, as these principles propelled his personal life and career as a u.S. Air Force Pilot.

In addition, the attendees were provided with the current status of the active chapter, delivered by the current Eminent Archon, Jake Dowell. The evening ended as the brothers serenaded Violet Devynn Brown, and sang Friends. Many brothers continued to chat well into the evening, expressing joy and appreciation for the well-planned occasion.