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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Season 2, Episode 5: It’s OK To Not Be OK


Tune in today for a conversation where Cody and Jeremy discuss the importance of mental health and how it carries over into your chapters. In this episode, Dylan Silva (Long Island ’18), shares his experience being a mental health advocate and the best practices for positive mental health among individuals.

John Ligouri, a current undergrad from the University of Connecticut-New Haven (Connecticut Nu-Eta), shares how significant mental health is among his chapter and the best ways to retain brotherhood among members.

Dylan, an alumnus from New York Beta, is an advocate for the Be Nice Foundation. He remains involved with Sigma Alpha Epsilon as the Alumni Advisor for Michigan Gamma and the Chapter Advisor for South Carolina Nu. Ligouri ’22 is a junior majoring in Criminal Justice. He’s held four different positions within his chapter: Philanthropy Chairman, Community Service Chairman, Eminent Recorder, and Eminent Deputy Archon.

Tune in to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or if you prefer, SAE Fraternity episodes are available on YouTube. Click here to watch this month’s interview.

TG Talk is brought to you by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Foundation and Fraternity and is an opportunity to engage with staff, volunteers, undergraduates, and notable alumni. Join us for discussions on all things SAE, including chapter operations, alumni engagement, university relations, ritual, and values. Additionally, TG Talk is a speaker series. We feature guest speakers focusing on leadership, professional development, and current events. As True Gentlemen, we must always strive to rise above. One of the ways we do that is by continuously learning.

If you have ideas for upcoming topics, questions, or if your chapter has exciting news to share with the Realm, connect with us at You can find the podcast by searching for TG Talk on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or the Anchor app.

We look forward to connecting with you. Be sure to subscribe to receive notifications when new episodes are available.

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