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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Phoenix Circle: Supporting SAE both locally and nationally

Every year, Sigma Alpha Epsilon receives numerous one-time donations from thousands of alumni. Some give specifically to their chapter’s fund. Others give to SAE’s Annual Loyalty Fund. We are inviting you to show your allegiance to the wellbeing of SAE by supporting both areas of need with a recurring donation.

The Phoenix Circle recognizes donors who give at least $25 per month over at least 12 months, with at least half of the donation going toward the Annual Loyalty Fund. Donors have two options for how to allocate their monthly gift:

50% to the Annual Loyalty Fund, 50% to your chapter’s education fund


100% to the Annual Loyalty Fund

What is the Annual Loyalty Fund?

All money donated to the Annual Loyalty Fund helps finance national education events, leadership opportunities, scholarships, awards, and your beloved schoolhouse, the Levere Memorial Temple. Our Fraternity can only remain standing with a strong Annual Loyalty Fund.

What’s in it for me?

  • Phoenix Circle lapel pin
  • Special recognition on our donor honor roll
  • Subscription to the print edition of The Record
  • Receive a quarterly financial update via email from the SAE Foundation
  • Pride and Zeal, knowing that you are supporting your Fraternity with a steady stream of donations to the Annual Loyalty Fund

We are all one SAE, regardless of chapter, and must work together for the advancement of our order. Our Fraternity relies on a steady stream of income. With your help, Sigma Alpha Epsilon can stand strong, now and always.

Click here to join the Phoenix Circle.

Current Phoenix Circle Members
*as of April 27, 2020

Joe Anderson
Jason Andrick
Joshua Baer
James Balandran
Ron Bartleet
Jones Barton
P.C. Berndt
Steven Bilksi
Greg Brandt
Matthew Brooks
Todd Buchanan
Chad Christopherson
Brent Clark
David DeMers
Bill Dowell
Austin Evans
Curtis Frasier
Donovan Golich
Joe Halcomb
Percy Halliwell
Chris Hancock
James Irwin
Ben Johnson
Nathan Jones
Mary Ann Kilb
Michael Kimberlin
Fred Kleisner
Derek Linkous
Brett Martin
Mark McDonough
J.C. McKnight
Jerre McManama
Brian Meyer
Steve Mitchell
Jim Mountain
Dave Pascarella
John Perkins
Joe Richey
Mike Rodgers
Andrew Roman
Scott Slechta
Chris Slott
Nicholas Smith
Greg Somers
Brian Soper
Shay Stewart
John Stringfellow
David Taylor
Todd Ulrich
Luis Velasquez
Bob Watts
Matt Weinstein
Gary Westling
Nathan Williams

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