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The Record Online

The Record Online is the official online publication for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Alongside the printed magazine The Record, this publication is dedicated to chapter and alumni news, events and opportunities, and serves a way for brothers to stay connected with the organization.

Introducing the Inaugural District Academy Programs for Emerging Leaders

The District Academy programs are a new two-day SAE leadership immersion event for emerging leaders, both undergraduate and alumni, who are ready to rise to the next level of their SAE journey. Join us for the event March 29-30, 2019 at the Levere Memorial Temple. Registration is now open! Dates and locations for Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 will be announced later this year.

The District Academy program is designed to provide an interactive educational experience. Participants will partake in a series of expo style learning opportunities, workshops, and enjoy motivational speakers. Programming will include personal and professional development, networking, building your personal brand, and how our Fraternity values and Ritual serve as guideposts for your future.

The Academies include three core components:
Leadership: The opportunity to gain the skills necessary to succeed on campus, in your chapter or colony, and your chosen field.
Networking: Learn from SAE brothers across the realm. Network and share ideas with the Supreme Council, local and Province volunteers, and members of Fraternity Staff.
Development: Expand your SAE vision through interactive dialogue with brothers facing similar challenges, and work together to identify solutions and new opportunities.

The Academies are an integral part of Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s educational mission to reach and impact more brothers each year by lowering costs and increasing access by bringing programs closer to the communities where those brothers reside. Regardless of the district where an Academy is being held, any brother can elect to participate. The District Academy experience is intended to provide brothers with new skills and the confidence to lead fearlessly, build networks, rise above challenges, and reach new heights – because together we can!

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